Belleau Lake
Access to the BLPOA Member Directory is provided only to those members that have agreed to share their information in it. Two passwords are needed to view the directory; one to access the download page and a second password to open the document each time it is opened.
The password is changed from time to time. If you need the password, you may request it by clicking the link below. I usually handle password requests via email in 48 hours or less. By requesting a password, you affirm or agree to all:
You are a BLPOA member in good standing,
You have agreed to have your information included in the directory,
You will not share or distribute the directory or portions of it,
You will not provide the passwords to anyone else,
You understand that directory access is limited to your own personal use and
You will not use any of the information contained in the directory for monetary gain, commercial use or solicitation of any kind.
The passwords will be provided upon request ONLY to those meeting requirements listed above. Please click the password request below.
Despite the directory being requested often, member interest in sharing their contact information is low. There are 400+ member households in the BLPOA. A little over 100 individuals have authorized sharing their info. Many of those same 100 or so are a member & spouse combination that share the same household. A directory that consists of only 10 to 20 percent of the total isn't very usable. I hope that interest increases and I will revisit periodically to review the feasibility of creating a directory.
Once you have the passwords, click the link below:
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